Contact Us

  • Asmaz Plaza Kat:2 No:5 Yalova
  • +90.226 814 24 57


  • We understand the expectation in the production we make and the services we provide, and we fulfill more than the expectation.< / li>
  • We observe the Value of honesty and reliability in all types of communication we establish inside and outside the company.< / li>
  • Working with an exemplary attitude in a reputable framework with the principle of mutual trust is one of the elements on which we base our business reputation.< / li>
  • The Organization and its employees basically agree to act impartially, fairly and respectfully in all established business relationships.< / li>
  • Our employees work according to the principle of loyalty to our employer and without compromising loyalty, as required by law.< / li>
  • Our employees are responsible for ensuring the security of all information that they have permission to access or not due to their job.< / li>
  • Our employees are attentive to all their behavior inside and outside the organization and fully fulfill their responsibilities to the organization in order to protect and glorify the dignity of the organization.< / li>
  • Employees unconditionally comply with the laws of our country and all the practices communicated by the organization.< / li>